/* vim: set cindent noexpandtab ts=2 sw=2: do not remove; -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4; -*- */ #include // std::ostream, std::cout #include // std::abs(), std::ceil(), std::floor() #include // std::min() #include // std::vector<> #include // std::array<> #include // std::string #include // assert() #include // std::chrono for timing benchmarks using namespace std; // Apply to sequence f the inverse discrete convolution given by // a pre-factored LU decomposition\label{lst:inverse-convolution-begin} template void linear_solve(const array& L, vector& f) { const int m = M, n = int(f.size()); const float p_inv = 1.f; // Optimized for prescaled kernel where $p=1$ // Pre-factored decomposition only works when n>m. Grow sequence f if needed. while (f.size() <= m) { f.reserve(2*f.size()); // Prevent reallocation during insertions f.insert(f.end(), f.rbegin(), f.rend()); // Append a reflection } int nn = int(f.size()); // New size const float L_inf = L[m-1], v_inv = L_inf/(1.f+L_inf); // Forward pass: solve $L c'= f$ in-place for (int i=1; i=m-1; i--) f[i] = L_inf*(p_inv*f[i]-f[i+1]); for (int i=m-2; i>=0; i--) f[i] = L[i] *(p_inv*f[i]-f[i+1]); f.resize(n); // Truncate back to original size if grown }/*\label{lst:inverse-convolution-end}*/ // Given sequence f, access f[i] using reflection at boundaries\label{lst:reflect-begin} static inline float get(const vector& f, int i) { return i<0? get(f,-i-1): i>=int(f.size())? get(f,2*int(f.size())-i-1): f[i]; }/*\label{lst:reflect-end}*/ // Kernel interface\label{lst:base-kernel-begin} template class KernelBase { public: KernelBase() { b.fill(0.f); } // Evaluate kernel at coordinate x virtual float operator()(float x) const = 0; // Apply the kernel's associated digital filter to sequence f virtual void digital_filter(vector& f) const = 0; // Kernel support $(\mm\mathtt{support}/2,\mathtt{support}/2]$ int support() const { return N; } // Shift the incremental buffer float shift_buffer(float a) { rotate(b.begin(), b.begin()+1, b.end()); swap(b.back(), a); return a; } // Incrementally accumulate a sample into buffer virtual void accumulate_buffer(float fu, float u) = 0; // Incrementally reconstruct the function from samples in buffer virtual float sample_buffer(float u) const = 0; virtual string name() const = 0; // How much does the kernel integrate to? virtual float integral() const { return 1.f; } protected: array b; // Incremental buffer };/*\label{lst:base-kernel-end}*/ // Simple box kernel\label{lst:box-begin} struct Box final: KernelBase<1> { float operator()(float x) const override { return x<=-0.5f || x>0.5f ? 0.f : 1.f; } void accumulate_buffer(float fu, float) override { b[0] += fu; } float sample_buffer(float) const override { return b[0]; } void digital_filter(vector&) const override { } string name() const override { return "Box"; } };/*\label{lst:box-end}*/ // Simple hat kernel\label{lst:hat-begin} struct Hat final: KernelBase<2> { float operator()(float x) const override { x = abs(x); return x>1.f ? 0.f : 1.f-x; } void accumulate_buffer(float fu, float u) override { b[0] += fu*(1.f-u); b[1] += fu*u; } float sample_buffer(float u) const override { return b[0]*(1.f-u)+b[1]*u; } void digital_filter(vector&) const override { } string name() const override { return "Hat"; } };/*\label{lst:hat-end}*/ // Most cubics are $\diff{1}$-continuous, symmetric, and have support 4. // Factor out common functionality into a class. template class Symmetric4Pieces: public KernelBase<4> { public: float operator()(float x) const override final { x=abs(x); return x>2.f ? 0.f : x>1.f ? p.k0(2.f-x) : p.k1(1.f-x); } void accumulate_buffer(float fu, float u) override final { b[0] += fu*p.k3(u); b[1] += fu*p.k2(u); b[2] += fu*p.k1(u); b[3] += fu*p.k0(u); } float sample_buffer(float u) const override final { return b[0]*p.k3(u)+b[1]*p.k2(u)+b[2]*p.k1(u)+b[3]*p.k0(u); } private: Pieces p; // Polynomial pieces of kernel (k0:[-2,-1], k1:[-1,0], k2:[0,1], k3:[1,2] }; // Traditional Mitchell-Netravali kernel\label{lst:mitchell-begin} struct MitchellNetravaliPieces { static float k0(float u) { return (((7/18.f)*u-1/3.f)*u)*u; } static float k1(float u) { return (((-7/6.f)*u+1.5f)*u+.5f)*u+1/18.f; } static float k2(float u) { return (((7/6.f)*u-2.f)*u)*u+8/9.f; } static float k3(float u) { return (((-7/18.f)*u+5/6.f)*u-.5f)*u+1/18.f; } }; struct MitchellNetravali final: Symmetric4Pieces { void digital_filter(vector&) const override { } string name() const override { return "Mitchell-Netravali"; } };/*\label{lst:mitchell-end}*/ // Traditional Catmull-Rom kernel\label{lst:keys-begin} struct CatmullRomPieces { static float k0(float u) { return ((.5f*u-.5f)*u)*u; } static float k1(float u) { return ((-1.5f*u+2.f)*u+.5f)*u; } static float k2(float u) { return ((1.5f*u-2.5f)*u)*u+1.f; } static float k3(float u) { return ((-.5*u+1.f)*u-.5f)*u; } }; struct CatmullRom final: Symmetric4Pieces { void digital_filter(vector&) const override { } string name() const override { return "Catmull-Rom"; } };/*\label{lst:keys-end}*/ // Cubic B-spline kernel pieces (multiplied by 6) struct Bspline3Pieces { static float k0(float u) { return ((u)*u)*u; } static float k1(float u) { return ((-3.f*u+3.f)*u+3.f)*u+1.f; } static float k2(float u) { return ((3.f*u-6.f)*u)*u+4.f; } static float k3(float u) { return ((-u+3.f)*u-3.f)*u+1.f; } }; // Generalized Cardinal Cubic B-spline kernel\label{lst:cb3-begin} struct CardinalBspline3 final: Symmetric4Pieces { void digital_filter(vector& f) const override { // Pre-factored L U decomposition of digital filter\label{lst:cb3-prefactored-begin} const array L{.2f, .26315789f, .26760563f, .26792453f, .26794742f, .26794907f, .26794918f, .26794919f};/*\label{lst:cb3-prefactored-end}*/ linear_solve(L, f); } string name() const override { return "Cardinal Cubic B-spline"; } float integral() const override { return 6.f; } };/*\label{lst:cb3-end}*/ // Cubic OMOMS kernel pieces (multiplied by 5.25) struct OMOMS3Pieces { static float k0(float u) { return ((.875f*u)*u+.125f)*u; } static float k1(float u) { return ((-2.625f*u+2.625f)*u+2.25f)*u+1.f; } static float k2(float u) { return ((2.625f*u-5.25f)*u+.375f)*u+3.25f; } static float k3(float u) { return ((-.875f*u+2.625f)*u-2.75f)*u+1.f; } }; // Generalized Cardinal Cubic O-MOMS3 kernel\label{lst:o3-begin} struct CardinalOMOMS3 final: Symmetric4Pieces { void digital_filter(vector& f) const override { // Pre-factored L U decomposition of digital filter\label{lst:o3-prefactored-begin} const array L{.23529412f, .33170732f, .34266611f, .34395774f, .34411062f, .34412872f, .34413087f, .34413112f, .34413115f}; /*\label{lst:o3-prefactored-end}*/ linear_solve(L, f); } string name() const override { return "Cardinal Cubic OMOMS"; } float integral() const override { return 5.25f; } };/*\label{lst:o3-end}*/ // Simple, intuitive implementation of upsampling\label{lst:intuitive-upsample-begin} template static vector upsample(vector f, int m, Kernel& k) { assert(m >= int(f.size())); // Ensure we are upsampling vector g(m); // New sequence of desired size m>f.size() k.digital_filter(f); // Apply kernel's associated digital filter const float kr = .5f*float(k.support()); for (int j=0; j static vector downsample(const vector& f, int m, Kernel& k) { assert(m <= int(f.size())); // Ensure we are downsampling float s = float(m)/f.size(); // Scale factor const int n = int(f.size()); const float kr = .5f*float(k.support()); const bool should_normalize = (f.size()%m != 0); vector g(m); // New sequence of desired size m vector upsample2(vector f, int m, Kernel& k) { k.digital_filter(f); double inv_s = double(f.size())/m; // Inverse scale factor // Output sample position between input samples double u = .5*(inv_s+(k.support()+1)%2); int fi = -k.support()/2-1; assert(f.size() <= m); // Ensure we are upsampling vector g(m); // New sequence of desired size m>f.size() for (int i=0; i vector downsample2(const vector& f, int m, Kernel& k) { const int n = f.size(); double s = double(m)/n; // Scale factor double kr = .5*k.support(); int fi = int(ceil(((.5-kr)/m)*n-.5)); // Input sample position between output samples double u = ((fi+.5)/n)*m -(.5-kr); assert(f.size() >= m); // Ensure we are downsampling vector g(m); // New sequence of desired size m>f.size() int gi = -k.support(); for (int i=0; i < k.support(); i++) // Initialize incremental buffer k.shift_buffer(0.f); while (gi < -1) { k.accumulate_buffer(get(f, fi), u); if (advance(fi, gi, u, s)) k.shift_buffer(0.f); } while (1) { // Accumulate weighted f samples into g k.accumulate_buffer(get(f, fi), u); if (advance(fi, gi, u, s)) { if (gi >= m) break; g[gi] = s*k.shift_buffer(0.f); } } k.digital_filter(g); return g; }/*\label{lst:incremental-downsample-end}*/ // Output a sequence static ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector& f) { for (int i=0; i(now()-m_start).count(); cout << m_name << " in " << t/1000. << " ms\n"; } private: using clock = chrono::high_resolution_clock; using time_point = chrono::time_point; static time_point now() { return clock::now(); } string m_name; time_point m_start; }; static double maxerr(const vector& f, const vector& g) { double m = 0.; assert(f.size() == g.size()); for (size_t i=0; i void test_performance(int up, int down) { Kernel k; vector f{0.f, 3.f, 1.f, .5f, 4.f, 2.f}, g(f); { Timing t(k.name()+" up"); f = upsample(f, up, k); } { Timing t(k.name()+" up2"); g = upsample2(g, up, k); } cout << " " << maxerr(f, g) << " max error\n"; { Timing t(k.name()+" down"); f = downsample(f, down, k); } { Timing t(k.name()+" down2"); g = downsample2(g, down, k); } cout << " " << maxerr(f, g) << " max error\n"; } // Plot kernel impulse response. Pipe through \verb|gnuplot -persist| template static void gnuplot(const vector& f, int window, Kernel& k, int w) { cout << "set terminal aqua " << window << '\n'; // Change to your needs cout << "set title \"" << k.name() << "\"\n"; cout << "set xrange [" << -.5f*w << ":" << .5f*w << "]\n"; cout << "plot \"-\" u (" << w << "*($1-0.5)):2 w l t \"\"\n"; cout << f << "e\n"; } template void plot(int up, int down, int& window) { Kernel k; // Trick to see impulse response vector f{0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, .0f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; const int w = f.size(); f = upsample(f, up, k); gnuplot(f, window++, k, w); f = downsample(f, down, k); gnuplot(f, window++, k, w); } template static void check_interpolation() { Kernel k; cout << "checking " << k.name() << '\n'; vector f{.5f, 2.f, 1.f, 0.f, 5.f}; vector g = upsample(f, f.size(), k); cout << " " << maxerr(f, g) << " max error\n"; g = downsample(f, f.size(), k); cout << " " << maxerr(f, g) << " max error\n"; } int main() { if (1) { const int up = 1000001, down = 101; test_performance(up, down); test_performance(up, down); test_performance(up, down); test_performance(up, down); test_performance(up, down); test_performance(up, down); } else if (0) { const int up = 1001, down = 51; int window = 1; plot(up, down, window); plot(up, down, window); plot(up, down, window); plot(up, down, window); plot(up, down, window); plot(up, down, window); } else { check_interpolation(); check_interpolation(); check_interpolation(); check_interpolation(); check_interpolation(); } }